Hello guys!! Comeback with me on the blog🙋

How was your day? I hope you are always in good health. Here I want to explain the material about “PERSONAL LETTER (1)” 


The personal letter was an unofficial letter sent by one individual to another and was usually of personal interest. The personal nature of the letter is so unofficial that it cannot be addressed to an agency, organization or company.

   Social function of personal letter is to inform our friends or families and strengthen the relationship despite the long distance.


a. Formal Letter : These letters follow a certain pattern and formality. They are strictly kept professional in nature, and directly address the issues concerned. Any type of business letter or letter to authorities falls within this given category.

b. Informal Letter : These are personal letters. They need not follow any set pattern or adhere to any formalities. They contain personal information or are a written conversation. Informal letters are generally written to friends, acquaintances, relatives etc.


1. Date (Tanggal) = Usually this date is written on the top left.  This date indicates when the letter was written.

2. Address (Alamat) = This section is the place where you write the letter or the address from which the sender lives.  The address is written at the top right.

3. Salutation & Name = This section writes the greeting and the name of the recipient of the letter.  For example "Dear...", "Dearest...", "Sweetheart", "Darling", "My love" and others.

4. Introduction (Pembuka) = The opening of a letter usually begins with an opening such as a response to a previous letter or it can be the beginning of self-introduction if you are just starting out in correspondence. 

5. Body (Isi surat) = This section is the content or essence of the letter.  In this body part, you tell all the contents of the letter that we want to tell.

6. Closure (Penutup) = This section indicates that the letter will end soon. Complimentary close = This section is a short closing expression such as, "With love".  "Sincerely yours", "With love", and soon.

7. Signature (Tanda tangan) = This section is under the complementary close, you can sign or it can only be your initials. 

This short story tells the life of man who is indifferent to his surroundings. He doesn't really care what happens to other people. One time when he wanted to cross there was grandmother who held his hand. Like it or not, this man led the grandmother's path. The grandmother was walking very slowly, until suddenly there was a car that was spending towards them. They survived until the crossing ended. For his help, he got a thank you form his grandmother and form then on this man changed his mind. He began to feel the little things form his hands would be useful for others, He is now happy to help others. Not only that, he also teaches others to do good as well. 
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Thank you very much for reading my blog about PERSONAL LETTER (1) sorry if something goewrong.. 
See youu..🙌
